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As urgency around climate change grows, states and cities will need resources and information to decarbonize the built environment. Below are some of the key resources and news about advancing energy codes and policies. More will be added in the coming months so please check back and join our mailing list for updates.

Recent resources

Webinar - Unpacking the 2024 IECC Residential Public Comment Draft

The residential section of the 2024 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) has been released for public comment. Watch NBI and NRDC experts in this on-demand webinar that summarizes the major changes proposed, the process for submitting public comment, and ways that stakeholders can influence this critical code cycle... LEARN MORE

Webinar - Existing Building Decarbonization Code: the Gamechanger We Need Right Now in the Climate Fight

This session features presenters who are advancing codes and policies that will effectively decarbonize existing buildings and bring us the scale we seek. In the webinar, New Buildings Institute shares a new resource, the recently released Existing Buildings Decarbonization Code... LEARN MORE

Cost Study of the Building Decarbonization Code

The “Cost Study of the Building Decarbonization Code” analyzes the incremental first cost and life cycle cost of two common building types that follow the code language in NBI’s Building Decarbonization Code... LEARN MORE

The Building Decarbonization Code

This groundbreaking tool aims to deliver carbon neutral building performance. The new code language from NBI serves as a building decarbonization overlay to the 2021 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC)...  LEARN MORE

Residential & Commercial Decarbonization Factsheets

These two new factsheet pieces illustrate how the multiple layers of decarbonization technology work together in both commercial and residential applications to achieve an all-electric building that works with the grid. As the building stock increases its reliance on the electric grid, buildings built with these grid integration technologies will be relied upon as grid assets, able to help shift, shape, and shave the peaks of the electric load. LEARN MORE

Moving Energy Codes Forward: A Guide for Cities and States

This guide provides critical steps to achieve significant code improvements through the adoption of stretch codes and provides a practical framework for implementing advanced codes and outcome policies. It offers guidance, resources and examples of advanced code adoption based on NBI’s stretch code development and adoption experience working with states and communities... LEARN MORE

The New Economics of Electrifying Buildings

This economic analysis helps inform decisions intending to tackle a crucial transition: eliminating fossil fuels in buildings, this work improves upon RMI’s previous economic analysis to give a full picture of the cost of all-electric housing, starting with new, single-family homes. Results are shared for seven US cities: Austin, TX; Boston, MA; Columbus, OH; Denver, CO; Minneapolis, MN; New York City, NY; and Seattle, WA... READ MORE

Webinar - Unpacking the 2024 IECC Commercial Public Comment Draft

The commercial section of the 2024 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) has been released for public comment. Join NBI experts for a webinar that will summarize the major changes proposed, the process for submitting public comment, and ways that stakeholders can influence this critical code cycle ..LEARN MORE

Existing Building Decarbonization Code

The Existing Building Decarbonization Code is a new way for jurisdictions to reduce carbon emissions and meet Climate Action Plan and public health and equity goals. The need to address existing building stock is great ..LEARN MORE

Joint New Buildings Institute & RMI Submission to RECI RFI

On May 20, 2022, New Buildings Institute (NBI) and RMI submitted comments in response to the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Resilient and Efficient Codes (RECI) Request for Information (RFI). The response was co-signed ..LEARN MORE

Lifecycle GHG Impacts in Building Codes

NBI’s report presents language to incorporate embodied carbon requirements in building codes. Researchers explain the need to address the embodied carbon of the highest emitting materials and the carbon emission benefits for jurisdictions.  ..LEARN MORE

Drafts Amendments for the Development of the 2024 IECC

On September 16, the Codes for Climate team convened around 50 state and local government officials to discuss their needs leading into the 2024 IECC code development process (presentation available here)...LEARN MORE

The Energy Policy Simulator (EPS)

This tool is an open-source model for estimating the environmental, economic, and human health impacts of hundreds of climate and energy policies. EPS offers unparalleled accessibility to the model through an easy-to-use web interface that allows non-technical users to model their own policy scenarios. ... LEARN MORE

The Economics of Zero-Energy Homes

This report demonstrates that the cost increase to build a zero-energy or zero-energy ready home is modest—far less than consumers, builders, and policymakers realize—and highlights methods builders and policymakers can use to drive increased market penetration. Costs are expected to continue declining over time as this market matures... LEARN MORE

Building Decarbonization Roadmap

The Roadmap was produced for the U.S. Climate Alliance by RMI through collaboration with staff from various state offices as well as industry experts. It is not meant to represent a policy plan for the Alliance or any Alliance states, but it is rather a tool designed to summarize the highest-impact actions that states can take to decarbonize buildings. Image: Use front page of the roadmap... LEARN MORE

Additional news